Programming is fun. But the time spent on restarting tomcat can be unproductive and sometimes break the momentum. A colleague recommended this hotswapping to me by using tools like JRebel and Spring Loaded. It is a great idea so I give it a try. At that point of time, JRebel is expensive and Spring Loaded cannot handle class hierarchy change. Here comes the third option: DCEVM + Hotswap Agent.This post is served as a documentation on the simple setup that works with Apache Maven multi-module project (webapps). Complete and updated guides can be found at Hotswap Agent official site e.g.
The following setup guide is applicable as of 30 December 2014 SGT.Setup
1. Install DCEVM
Visit and download the installer for your JDK. Run the executable jar by running "java -jar installer-light-jdk7u71.2.jar" and you should see something like this :
I choose to install it as altjvm. The rest of this guide will assume this option is chosen.
2. Download Hotswap Agent
Visit to download hotswap agent. Save it somewhere e.g. C:/hotswap-agent.jar.
3. Configure Hotswap Agent in your Maven project
Assuming you have the following project structure:
|----- module-A
|----- module-B
|----- module-C
where module-C is your webapp and depends on module-A and module-B.
Add in module-C/src/main/resources with the following properties:
# Enable hotswap so that changes in module-C will be automatically reloaded
# Monitor dependencies, assuming using standard Maven output folder
extraClasspath=module-A/target/classes, module-B/target/classes
4. Start Tomcat with Hotswap Agent
First, export
MAVEN_OPTS="-XXaltjvm=dcevm -javaagent:C:/hotswap-agent.jar -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic"
then at parent folder, run "mvn -pl module-C tomcat7:run".
Now, after changing your code, run "mvn compile" in another terminal will reload the changes.
- The "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic" are used for static fields, without them static variable will becomes null after reloading. This could be JVM-specific configuration, official guide does not include them.
- Integration with IDE such as IntelliJ and Netbeans also can be found at Hotswap Agent official site.
Hi, I've checked the -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic on jvm7u75 but the static fields are left null after hotswap. May be I've missed something.